Wednesday, August 5, 2009

cikgu K

hari ni, nothing interesting happen dlm class tu, normal life jea, study study and study, cume geo and english period jea tak coz teacher takde. untk english, yg menggantikannye adalah cikgu K. ouhh, terkena seorang pelajar -.- haha, K sungguh cikgu K itu :D tapi, takpelaa. tak kesah kot.

Homework for yesterday
Mathematics - ex11.6 no.5 and skills revies no.3-no.8

Homework for Today
science text book page 54 (objective ques only)
math - settlekan borang PATS
English - paper sheet untk relief, there a two of them
B.Melayu - perbandingan novel

btw, untuk pelajar Islam, esok bawak pensel khat, ade pertandingan, ayat dia ape2 ayat yg berkaitan dgn kemerdekaan, lepastue, kene buat corak sekeliling drawing block tue, bring sum colour pencil laa

and, to all groups for bulan kemerdekaan, siapkan korang punye kerja secepat yg boleh, urgent dah niy, paling lmbt friday, tp, nak lmbt lagi, isnin laa x)

K for kerek


f a t i n . said...

favourite alia kott ! xD

Anonymous said...

dushhh!~ haha, favourite gile punye favourite laa xD