Tuesday, August 25, 2009

heyya !

takde idea nak update psal ape kt blog niy. haha, since its school holiday kan, bukannye g schl pun so, mane laa de activities kt class tue kan
but, whateva it is, still try nk update blog niy dari bersarang jea kan, so, pusing2 makan angin sekitar google search, then, searching fr some games, and terjumpa niy, act it's not game, but it's an optical illusion. sort of game jugak laa. so ENJOY~
*click at the image for the better view*

Look at the cute little boy on the right side. He's shown in two different colors, right ? Now gaze at the left plus sign for 20 seconds, then look at the right plus sign. The image is looking normal now ! Ain't it incredible ? This phenomenon is called chromatic adaptation. Your eyes adjust themselves to the overload of colors. When you look at the right, your eyes are still filtering out the cyan and yellow. For a while.

Look around on this image and see how incredible the effect is. You computer screen will seem to be waving and rippling like the ocean.

This image, resembling a wooden door or something, contains sixteen perfect circles. Stare at the white x in the middle for a while, and they will suddenly pop out.Perfect circles in a picture with only straight lines ? But it's true, see for yourself.

that's all for today, ohh, guys, give me idea what to post, -.- haha. so, cmane korang punye homework ? ade yg dah siap ? kea tak sentuh lg ? haha, jgn tunda tunda dah, tinggal bpe hari jea lg cuti sekolah ;D


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